IntelliDyne Corporate IT Manager, Sal Acosta

Employee Spotlight on Sal Acosta

How long have you been with IntelliDyne and what is your current role?
I joined IntelliDyne 2 years ago as the Corporate IT Manager.

What do you think makes IntelliDyne a great place to work?
The people, the commitment to quality, and the company culture.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
Delivering quality customer service and addressing business problems using technology. I appreciate that IntelliDyne is willing to invest in new technologies as well.

What was your dream job growing up?
Electrical Engineering.

What is the most important career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Never get too comfortable. Promote and adapt to change.

How do you motivate and inspire your team?
By empowering them and putting value on each team member’s input and ideas. I trust my team to do their work and I don’t micromanage.

What energizes you at work?
The constant support from my managing team and the ability to make a positive impact by delivering solutions and efficiencies to the organization.

What qualities make a good leader?
A good leader should be a great listener. They should be trustworthy with a positive mindset and be able to coach you towards making good decisions, rather than telling you what and how to do things.

What parts of our mission do you connect with?
Delivering with quality; Being innovative; Providing Mission-aligned Services, and Offering People-First IT solutions.

What is your Hispanic background?
Mexican – I was born in the state of Zacatecas in a very small village in Mexico.

What is one of your favorite cultural traditions that you celebrate?
Mexican Independence Day (September 15th) and El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead)

What is a traditional Mexican dish that you love?
Asado de Puerco.

What are some of the things you appreciate or are most proud of about your Hispanic heritage?

  • My native language
  • The understanding of other cultures (I live in a very diverse community)
  • Strong work ethics
  • Being genuine and treating others with respect
  • Positive thinking with a “Can do” attitude – “Si se Puede”, It can be done

What is one unique or fun fact that others may not know about you?
I absolutely love mother nature and biking. I am passionate about helping others and love to entertain people.

What is on your bucket list?
Travel to Australia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Portugal.

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